Patient Testimonials

"Dr. Borenstein literally saved my life. I have been having horrible debilitating lower back pain for many years. He treated me with plasma rich platelet prolotherapy which has helped me tremendously. After only a few treatments, I can now honestly say that my back pain has gone from a 10 to a 3. I couldn't ask for a better outcome due to my history of multiple disk herniations."

– Dr. Howard K.

"Dr. Borenstein was extremely thorough in his evaluation of me before prescribing treatment. My last doctor said when prescribing thyroid meds “we try a little more and then a little less” and it turns out that my dose was frighteningly high for more than a year. He's also extremely easy to reach by email or phone. I would email him with a question or a refill request and he literally would have done it and would have gotten back to me in 20-30 minutes. Dr Borenstein has a wonderful very warm personality and is really funny! I no longer live in New York and have had to go to another doctor (not warm and funny) who saw my compounded prescription and said "which brand is this?" Why is it written this way?" Arrgh! Dr Borenstein, I wish that you were here!"

– Sherida N.

"Dr. B. has refused to give up on me when other doctors had previously done so. Overall, Dr. B. has helped increase my physical stamina as well as my walking mobility and decreased my pain level. He has seen me through my peaks and valleys with the fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and thyroid disease using Dr. Jacob Teitlebaum's protocol (SHINE). At my very best with him, I was able to run up and down at least 70 stairs twice in a row and had an immense amount of energy. I can now participate in activities outside of a full-time job. It has been years that I have been able to attend religious services and pursue my passion of playing the trumpet again. I can now do so with Dr. B. as my doctor."

– Janell C.

"The bottom line is that I feel better than I have in years, better than I knew was possible. I'd learned to cope with and try to ignore fatigue, extreme moodiness, joint pain, etc. because other doctors, even my prior endocrinologist told me my problem was psychological! Dr. Borenstein was thorough, patient, and figured out why I was feeling crummy (which I never expected - I just wanted to make sure things didn't get worse!) The icing is the respect with which I have been treated. I feel like he sees me as a human being. Furthermore, the receptionist is charming, personable, sweet, and although Dr. Borenstein never "pushed" any supplements on me, I went to see him because of his integrative approach. I wasn't going to take a synthetic hormone pill every day and give up … let my health deteriorate as it would. I'd stake my life on the contention that his lifestyle and supplement recommendations are responsible for the majority of my improvement. He has changed my life."

– Mary Jo B.

"Thank you Dr. Borenstein for giving me my life back. My quality of life was depleting, and now I'm regaining it back. I feel 100 times better then I've felt in 6yrs! I have MS and was feeling absolutely horrible every day of my life, now thanks to Dr. Borenstein I'm regaining more and more of my life back with less and less pain and less and less relapses...GOD if you ever wanted a brighter future please, please go to him. He's very informative and helpful and really cares about your health and well-being! God Bless him! I wish I would have found him sooner!"

– Margaret L.

"Dr. Borenstein is incredibly gifted and knowledgeable. He asked intelligent and probing questions to determine the best course of action for my needs. He helped change my quality of life. I would recommend him to friends and family."

– Sheilla L.

"I was very sick and could hardly get up out of bed. After my original doctor told me that I needed anti-depression medication, I found Dr. B. He ran tests that no other doctor had run. It was determined that my thyroid was low and my hormones were off. Following his protocol, I became the woman I knew I could be. A year after finding Dr. B I ran my first half marathon at the age of 51! This was a huge change from the woman a year before. Had I listened to the original doctor, I would be somewhere, medicated, not living. Dr. B gave me my life back. He listens to what you say, and takes in consideration all you are saying in order to diagnose you. He does not just go by what your blood tests determine. I never have to wait to see him and he always greets you with a smile on his face. I would recommend Dr. B to anyone who cannot get a diagnosis and is not satisfied with the treatment that they are getting."

– Crystal S.

"I met Dr. Borenstein at a seminar about thyroid health in NYC and was excited to learn that there were doctors out there who understood and were willing to work with you! I live in Northern Virginia and made the trip to NYC to see him not only for myself but my 18 year old daughter as well. She was diagnosed with a cold nodule last year and the biopsy was inconclusive. No doctors seemed interested in getting to the root of the problem since they could not "see" a problem in her labs or tests, other than she had a suspect nodule. I've had an underactive thyroid for years without a single doctor who would help me because all my labs are normal. Dr. Borenstein agreed to see both of us and was very interested in our situation, listened intently and is helping us to become more vital, healthy and whole. I don't know of many doctors that you can say that about! We love him!"

– Laura and Rachel M.

"When I began working with Laurie Borenstein, my goals were strictly IBS related. I had been suffering for years, and my symptoms had become so severe that they began to affect my ability to function. Laurie helped me to identify which foods to embrace and which to avoid. My diet is now limited but very healthy. I feel wonderful. I rarely have pain unless I cheat on the diet. Be open to all of Laurie's advice because her spiritual and life guidance were perhaps even more important to me than the dietary advice. My time with Laurie was life changing for me, and I hope yours will be as well."

– Joyce P.


I have suffered for many years with Chron's and Collitus, seen the top professionals in the field. With no success at all. One visit with Dr. Borenstein and years of suffering are over! My quality of life has improved. If you are searching for answers and are sick of being sick you need to see Dr. Borenstein!!!"

– Leah E.

"I am deeply grateful to Dr. Borenstein! I have improved my life so much thanks to his treatment. After years of being hypothyroid (as I now know) yet undiagnosed - either by conventional or two expensive, alternative MDs - I found Dr. Borenstein. I had finally become hypothyroid enough that a conventional doctor diagnosed me. However, the treatment he gave me felt lousy. Dr. Borenstein is listed in hypothyroidism patient advocate Mary Shomon's Top Thyroid Doctors directory - the place I discovered him. He knows when and how to use nutritional supplements and how to combine them with the right medications if need be. He has been wonderfully responsive to my questions and needs, he undoubtedly keeps current with medical research, and he has a great sense of humor, too. That a healer like him accepts many insurance plans is amazing. He helps people of all kinds, but especially if you are a woman, and if you have persistent problems like fatigue and susceptibility to cold (two of the most common of many symptoms of hypothyroidism), please help yourself and go see him. He is a gem."

– Ms. B.L.

"I received prolotherapy from Dr. David Borenstein in an effort to relieve chronic injuries in both my knees and lumbar spine in the winter of 2010. Prior to my treatments, I spent over a year in traditional physical therapy without experiencing any success. My injuries took a huge toll on my daily life, as I was unable to sit through my graduate classes without being distracted by pain. My injuries also prevented me from exercising, which took a further toll on my health and well-being. I experienced significant improvements in these aspects of my life in the months following my treatments. Two years later, my knees and back feel stronger than ever. I am even back to kickboxing, which I never thought would be possible. Most importantly, Dr. Borenstein developed a comprehensive treatment plan that included medication and nutritional supplements to help combat the root causes of pain and inflammation in my body. Overall, I am extremely happy with my progression under Dr. Borenstein's care and am appreciative of his continual efforts as a physician to help his patients achieve their wellness goals."

– Laura H.

Contact Us



308 5th Ave, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001


(212) 262-2412


(212) 262-2416


Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed